Can Chillies Cure a Hangover?

Hangovers are the unwelcome aftermath of a night of revelry, often leaving us searching for remedies to alleviate the pounding headache, nausea, and general sense of malaise. Among the myriad of supposed hangover cures, one particularly spicy suggestion has emerged: chillies. But can these fiery peppers really extinguish the flames of a hangover, or is it just wishful thinking fuelled by folklore? Let’s explore the science behind this spicy remedy.

The idea that chillies could cure a hangover stems from their perceived ability to stimulate the body's circulation and metabolism, as well as induce sweating. It’s believed that these effects could help rid the body of toxins faster, thereby alleviating hangover symptoms.

While chillies do contain compounds like capsaicin, which can indeed boost metabolism and induce sweating, there is unfortunately little scientific evidence to support their efficacy in curing hangovers. Hangovers are primarily caused by excessive alcohol consumption, which leads to dehydration, inflammation, and the build-up of toxins in the body.

Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes increased urination and can lead to dehydration. While consuming water and electrolytes can help rehydrate the body, simply eating spicy food like chillies won’t necessarily address this underlying issue.

Hangovers also involve inflammation, as alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and trigger an immune response. Some studies suggest that capsaicin may have anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it could help with some of that post party inflammation. 

The notion that chillies can help flush toxins from the body is a bit misleading. While sweating can help eliminate some waste products through the skin, the liver and kidneys primarily handle the detoxification process. Eating chillies won’t speed up this detoxification process significantly.

If you do have a hangover after a big night, chillies could help but always remember to rehydrate, get plenty of rest, nutrition and electrolytes. The science may not completely support the theory of chillies eliminating a hangover, but aside from that, a tasty chilli based meal might help perk your mood up. 

Check out our recipes section for some inspiration to get you through your hangover

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