How Hot is The Carolina Reaper Chilli

The Carolina Reaper chilli, also known as HP22B, is currently the hottest chilli pepper in the world. Developed by Ed Currie, a grower from South Carolina, this fiery pepper has made a name for itself in the world of spicy food enthusiasts.

What is the history behind the Carolina Reaper?

The Carolina Reaper was officially named the hottest pepper in the world by the Guinness World Records in 2013, surpassing the previous record holder, the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper. This pepper was created through a crossbreeding process involving a Pakistani Naga pepper and a Red Habanero.

What sets the Carolina Reaper apart in terms of flavour?

Despite its intense heat, the Carolina Reaper also offers a unique flavour profile. It has a fruity and sweet taste, followed by a powerful kick of heat that can linger for a long time. This combination of flavour and heat has made the Carolina Reaper a popular choice for those seeking a spicy culinary experience.

How hot is the Carolina Reaper?

The Carolina Reaper has an average Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) rating of 1,641,183, with some individual peppers reaching over 2 million SHU. To put this into perspective, a jalapeño pepper typically ranges from 2,500 to 8,000 SHU. This extreme heat level makes the Carolina Reaper a challenge for even the most experienced spicy food lovers.

Do you  have a Carolina Reaper Hot Sauce?

Not at the moment, we haven't found a taste tester brave enough, to try one. That's not to say it won't appear in the future. 

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