Pairing Chillies with Food - Beyond Buffalo Wings

Chilli-based products have long been a staple in cuisines around the world, known for their ability to add a fiery kick to any dish. However, their uses extend far beyond simply adding heat to Mexican and Pan Asian dishes. In this article, we will explore how chilli-based products can be used to elevate dishes and even in cuisines that aren't traditionally chilli heavy, such as French cuisine.

When it comes to using chilli-based products in cooking, the possibilities are endless. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a home cook looking to experiment, incorporating these products can take your dishes to new heights.

One of the most popular ways to use chilli-based products is as a condiment or sauce. For example, we offers a range of artisan chilli products, such as our Chilli Chutney + Jam 3 Pack and Chilli Jam. These products combine sweet and spicy flavours, making them perfect for adding a delicious kick to any dish.

When using chilli-based condiments, it's important to consider the flavour profile of your dish. For milder dishes, a mild or medium heat chilli jam can add a subtle spiciness without overpowering the other flavours. On the other hand, if you're looking to create a dish with a bold and fiery flavour, a hotter chilli-based condiment can be the perfect choice.

Chilli-based products can also be used as a marinade or rub for meats and vegetables. The natural heat and flavour of chillies can help tenderize meat and infuse it with a delicious smoky taste. Simply coat your protein or vegetables with a mixture of chilli-based product, oil, and spices, and let it marinate for a few hours or overnight before cooking. The result is a dish that is bursting with flavour.

But what about cuisines that aren't traditionally known for their use of chillies, such as French cuisine? Surprisingly, chilli-based products can still find their place in these culinary traditions. By using them sparingly and thoughtfully, you can add a subtle heat and depth of flavour to classic French dishes.

For example, a touch of chilli jam can enhance the flavours of a rich beef bourguignon, adding a hint of spiciness that complements the savoury notes of the dish. Similarly, a drizzle of chilli chutney can elevate a simple cheese plate, providing a contrast of flavours that excites the palate.

When incorporating chilli-based products into non-traditional cuisines, it's important to exercise restraint. The goal is to enhance the dish, not overpower it with heat. Start with a small amount and taste as you go, adjusting the quantity to achieve the desired level of spiciness.

We'd love to hear the way in which you use our products in out of the box ways. 

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